Mayor Tim Busse | City of Bloomington Official website
Mayor Tim Busse | City of Bloomington Official website
Fun, food and neighborhood friends, National Night Out is an annual favorite. The event is designed to encourage neighbors to engage in stronger relationships with each other and local law enforcement partners. Connected and engaged neighborhoods are safer neighborhoods. The 40th annual National Night Out will be Tuesday, August 1.
“National Night Out is one of the highlights of the summer for many neighborhoods,” said Crime Prevention Specialist Katie Zerull. “From ice cream socials, potlucks and games to photo boards, themed events and viewing the chalk art contest, it is a highlight for the neighborhoods and for us in public safety as well. We hope every neighborhood will join the fun.”
If you would like a Bloomington Police Department or Fire Department visitor at your party, your neighborhood must be registered. Registration is open now and closes on July 23. For more details or to register, visit or call 952-563-4900.
Original source can be found here.